This week has been a whirlwind of energetic process! Most of it spent sitting on my mounting block. The words Incredible Journey popped into my head at one point, and it may seem an exaggeration on one level, but in terms of the evolution of my consciousness, it seems the perfect description.
wellbeing dialogue
The wellbeing dialogue is the communication in energy between beings. The energetic connection can be accessed through awareness of the present moment, coming within yourself and listening. If you do this in the presence of a horse, or the whole herd, a conversation of perceptions, ideas and visions can occur.
I refer to it as the wellbeing dialogue because the intention in connecting in this way is to offer a therapeutic space. This space is for both the horses and the humans involved. It is helpful to be as open as possible to whatever is arising in each moment. This could be limitations or emotions. Physical issues may come to the surface.
Often there is a whole process that will unfold in the sentience of the connection. The wellbeing dialogue can also be the guiding influence in working with horses, both on the ground and when riding.
Following The Energetic Connection
Following the energetic connection has gradually become my vocation over the last five years. Before this purpose became so clear, I had been exploring how to tune into other animals energy, and people, for a long time. I had limited this to the category of ‘healing’ in my mind and in my life. Then one day it occurred to me to see if I could feel it while I was actually riding a horse.
The Head Collar Ceremony
The Head Collar Ceremony was a powerful cleansing of current pathways of control which opened space for new pathways to form. It came out of that special space of limitless potential which can seem so impossible when you have many routines and expectations. This is often the case for us with our horses, and the reason why it takes time to gently and compassionately disengage ourselves from everything that imposes control over our partnership.
Discovering The Liberty Trim With Honey
Although practicing a liberty trim has to be a little more flexible than conventional practices, it can certainly bring out the best in a horse. Not only that, over time confidence levels are likely to continue to rise and each session will be quicker and easier.