Death of the Survival Paradigm

This week the herd and I have been continuing to explore our relationship. Every interaction we have is about this. Purposefully tuning into the interactions between us, releasing their parameters to change, this is the path that has opened for us. The latest subject which has arisen is the survival paradigm. Is it the blueprint for our relationship with horses? Survival is not only about whether you have enough food to eat. It is a perspective.. a belief system that shapes existence itself. 

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The Head Collar Ceremony

The Head Collar Ceremony was a powerful cleansing of current pathways of control which opened space for new pathways to form. It came out of that special space of limitless potential which can seem so impossible when you have many routines and expectations. This is often the case for us with our horses, and the reason why it takes time to gently and compassionately disengage ourselves from everything that imposes control over our partnership.

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