Releasing Fear with Quaramba

Isn’t it funny how you can experience something in so many little ways, and yet it hides in plain sight. It isn’t ready to blossom fully into the level of realisation that requires a shift. And yet the journey to get there is utterly perfect. As gradually understanding aligns with the readiness to embrace it. In this case my readying has taken years, maybe even lifetimes. My realisation concerns Quaramba, and releasing her fear. And this process is infused with such love and support, which allowed the portal to become fully crystallised for us both.

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Becoming The Bridle

Becoming the bridle is happening in energetic process. It can only be understood by suspending thought and feeling in. Perhaps not even understood, but embraced. Although the energetic dialogue between the herd and me is so intense, and feels as if it is accelerating in purpose, I have still been struggling with the conflict between being and doing. It feels like the fundamental conflict between spirit and ego.

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