Desire And The Ancient New Dream

When the horses wellbeing is the most important thing for a horse guardian, it can feel conflicting to have a desire or a dream. I have been coming to terms with this for a long time. The last few months have been a wonderful swirling fruition of lifetimes. Neatly dropping so many aspects and ideas into perfect alignment. The perfect words from Source have arrived, and my readiness to absorb them. And I have so much eagerness for where we can go now as a herd. We are all so joyfully invested in this lifetime together. 

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Following The Energetic Connection

Following the energetic connection has gradually become my vocation over the last five years. Before this purpose became so clear, I had been exploring how to tune into other animals energy, and people, for a long time. I had limited this to the category of ‘healing’ in my mind and in my life. Then one day it occurred to me to see if I could feel it while I was actually riding a horse. 

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