Planting My Self Into The Herd

Planting my Self into the herd was my most recent dialogue-based experience. Following the energetic trail with the herd has taken us deep into the nature of our relationship itself. In those first moments of descending below thought, and becoming aware of the world through energy, I was taken straight back into the alliance between us.

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Death of the Survival Paradigm

This week the herd and I have been continuing to explore our relationship. Every interaction we have is about this. Purposefully tuning into the interactions between us, releasing their parameters to change, this is the path that has opened for us. The latest subject which has arisen is the survival paradigm. Is it the blueprint for our relationship with horses? Survival is not only about whether you have enough food to eat. It is a perspective.. a belief system that shapes existence itself. 

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The Horse Rhythm

Part of the journey with my holistic herd seems to be learning about the horse rhythm. The learning is a process of infiltration. First, letting go of my own desires to be able to perceive what is happening in the horses lives, and then allowing what I perceive to enter my consciousness and align with my own rhythm. The further this process goes, the more I realise that the horse rhythm is actually the same as my own rhythm, when I am beyond intellect. Which means beyond culture, conditioning and egoic desire. 

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