Wayfaring with the Herd

Wayfaring means to travel on foot. This feels like the perfect expression of our journey right now. Together, free, exploring and close to the ground. Letting the ground lead us. It’s been a little while since I have felt inspired to write about where we are as a herd. Although things are growing more widely and deeply than ever before. I have come to think of us as one herd now, all of our family. The oneness isn’t in our behaviour or our individual shapes and energies, it is in the borderlines that connect us together. The boundaries which are places where we touch rather than separations. The places in between where we merge. 

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The Joy of Energetic Creation

Since I have been feeling less limited in my wishes for our horse human partnership I have been discovering the true joy of energetic creation. So many ideas have been arriving in my mind. They come when I am feeling good, and they are ways to focus my consciousness. To create in the vibrational realm. We are vibrational beings after all, and genuine creation starts in energy. When you are feeling good, expansive and connected, there is a direct channel into potentiality, and anywhere you choose to settle your awareness will respond and grow beautiful flowers. Flowers of creativity.

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Desire And The Ancient New Dream

When the horses wellbeing is the most important thing for a horse guardian, it can feel conflicting to have a desire or a dream. I have been coming to terms with this for a long time. The last few months have been a wonderful swirling fruition of lifetimes. Neatly dropping so many aspects and ideas into perfect alignment. The perfect words from Source have arrived, and my readiness to absorb them. And I have so much eagerness for where we can go now as a herd. We are all so joyfully invested in this lifetime together. 

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Releasing Fear with Quaramba

Isn’t it funny how you can experience something in so many little ways, and yet it hides in plain sight. It isn’t ready to blossom fully into the level of realisation that requires a shift. And yet the journey to get there is utterly perfect. As gradually understanding aligns with the readiness to embrace it. In this case my readying has taken years, maybe even lifetimes. My realisation concerns Quaramba, and releasing her fear. And this process is infused with such love and support, which allowed the portal to become fully crystallised for us both.

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Herd Assisted Healing

Since my sister Gabrielle came to continue her healing process with the herd here, we have an opportunity to explore herd assisted healing in an unprecedented way. Last year our lives changed dramatically when the accident happened. Both of us feel that this phase of that change is deeply in alignment with our soul purpose.

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