The Subtle Dialogue

Being invited by the herd to be in their presence, and even to sit on their backs is the greatest blessing I can imagine. This is manifesting now. Largely because the horses have been able to share with me through subtle dialogue their natural rhythm. The way we humans have created such pressure of time in our lives has had a major influence on the way we interact with horses. We put time limits and rules on what is possible which can easily stifle a newly forming vibrational reality.

The Herd

To align with the herd and become part of their world, the subtlety of it, takes time. When I say time, I mean accepting the gentle flow of change. Allowing it. Listening to the truth that doesn’t make itself obvious at the surface.

It is a truth that is quieter, gentler, less about ‘what is’ and more intertwined with dreams and potential and possibility. It is like a spider web in its delicacy, and yet its innate strength is what changes the world. 

So throughout my experience in this life it has, for whatever reason, been essential to remember that rhythm. To gradually disengage from the pressure of the human rhythm, and allow space for the horse. Inside of that has been the understanding that it is not exclusively ‘horse’ but ‘Nature’ and ultimately that is human as well. In our modern life we tend to ride over the top of this one-ness and then we can’t hear the subtle dialogue itself.

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Being The Open Platform

The Open Platform is the feeling between us when the horses invite me to be carried by them. In fact it is the sense of invitation in every way. Into their space, to hug them, groom them, care for them and just be with them. That sense of solidity, of trust, of openness. The way the energy radiates outward and embraces us. It is fun to find names for the new stages of our process as a herd. It also feels good to let those names be light and changeable, to come and go as we continue to grow.

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The New Ride

The New Ride is a name for what is unnamed as yet. A miracle unveiling itself so gently, so perfectly through deep dialogue with the herd. I haven’t written a blog post while this miracle has been conceived and is beginning to germinate. I have not felt ready to share. Now that the moment has arrived it is very exciting. After five years of going deeply into the listening process with the horses, things are clicking into place. The process is alive of course, a perpetual growth, and I had to become what I was seeking enough to be able to see it, to begin to understand it…

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