Attachment Free World

It becomes clearer and clearer to me how clinging on to attachments is a state of being. It is a fearful perception of the world which happens almost without being seen. Yet to discover even a moment of being attachment free is such a profound challenge. And the only way to experience what actually is there in each moment is to let go and let the current sweep us away. 

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This Is Partnership

I asked myself, why am I so passionate about the quality of my relationship with horses? Why has it become the deepest, most precious heart of everything? The only way to answer that is to describe what it is. How we connect, the energy between us, our partnership, this is our oxygen. It is all that exists. The relationship is the place in-between us that becomes us. Without the relationship, there are no horses, because without the relationship I can’t see or feel them, and they can’t see me.

Anything and everything we do filters through our relationship… is formed by it. Without the dialogue, there is no meaningful doing. Trust, vulnerability and unconditional love, this is partnership.

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