Isn’t it funny how you can experience something in so many little ways, and yet it hides in plain sight. It isn’t ready to blossom fully into the level of realisation that requires a shift. And yet the journey to get there is utterly perfect. As gradually understanding aligns with the readiness to embrace it. In this case my readying has taken years, maybe even lifetimes. My realisation concerns Quaramba, and releasing her fear. And this process is infused with such love and support, which allowed the portal to become fully crystallised for us both.
Horse Handling
Horse handling posts involve all interactions with the horses outside of training. These might be grooming, trimming, dental work or stable management. It has become clearer to me over time that there are no real categories in terms of the relationship with horses, we are always engaging with them energetically, and the more it is possible to acknowledge this and awaken to it, the closer we can connect.
The word handling really refers to both of us, how we are handling ourselves in these situations where we come together in a necessary act. Trimming horses feet is a wonderful opportunity to learn about being vulnerable and trusting.
This Is Partnership
I asked myself, why am I so passionate about the quality of my relationship with horses? Why has it become the deepest, most precious heart of everything? The only way to answer that is to describe what it is. How we connect, the energy between us, our partnership, this is our oxygen. It is all that exists. The relationship is the place in-between us that becomes us. Without the relationship, there are no horses, because without the relationship I can’t see or feel them, and they can’t see me.
Anything and everything we do filters through our relationship… is formed by it. Without the dialogue, there is no meaningful doing. Trust, vulnerability and unconditional love, this is partnership.
Reaching The Stillpoint
Reaching the stillpoint of giving and receiving has been the process this week with the horses. It is so wondrous to look back at how one doorway opened to the next, and how the message came through so subtly and yet with such clarity.
The Perfect Trim with Cheyenne
Cheyenne and I were able to experience a perfect trim together when it was no longer my duty to get it done. She had taken responsibility for her own feet, when I realised I could give it to her, and what had previously been such a trial became easy.
Therapeutic Grooming
Therapeutic grooming is an exercise in mindfulness. It is an opportunity to express our willingness to listen to and comprehend the horse. There is no agenda other than the horse’s well-being.