The answers are always within ourselves. Everything that happens in the external world is a ripple, an echo, a reflection of what is happening in the energetic world. The energetic world is who we are. We only reach into the physical world for a time. Becoming aware of this is the same as becoming aware of our body. Where the spirit becomes biology.
Energetic Connection
The Energetic Connection is the ability to perceive energy which is still accessible to people, although we have largely disconnected ourselves from it. It is still a fundamental part of animals perception of the world, and they are therefore great teachers in that regard.
I awakened my energetic connection through practicing Craniosacral Therapy and it gradually began to integrate with other areas of my life. I wrote an online course which offers a powerful guide through the process.
It is the perfect way to relate to horses because it is a link you can establish between you in everything you are doing. The energetic connection helps you to transcend the dependency on reading a horse’s behaviour, it is a direct line to how they are feeling.
The energetic connection is also a direct line to healing, both for yourself and others. When you can sense what is happening in your system, and in others, that acknowledgment triggers the healing intelligence itself.
The Soul Journey
The soul journey is surely the authentic purpose of our existence. It seems that the main reason it feels inappropriate to fix goals and attract certain outcomes in life, is that those goals and outcomes are only relevant to the intellectual perspective. Ideas which are centralised around personal ego. Even your own passion can become limited by focusing on where it needs to go, and how it has to get there.
Going Beyond Death
One day in the aftermath of what happened to Gabrielle and Licia, I was wondering how different our lives could be if we were genuinely able to go beyond death. To live our lives knowing death as a passageway, not as a loss.
Being Change
Change can come so suddenly that everything must be reformed and developed in a new way. This process of accepting change and being change is where I find myself right now.
Awakening Your Energetic Connection Online Course Video
In my online course video I am telling the story of how Awakening Your Energetic Connection came into being. The course is about waking up our inherent ability to perceive energy. Whether that is within our own systems, other people, animals or trees. Please note that I am developing the format of the course so … Read more