These testimonials have been kindly written over the years by kindred spirits who I have had the pleasure to work with. I am always moving on and evolving my approach, so it is challenging for clients to follow! I tend to think of my work with horses as research. Research that it is more about discovering how to get closer to a horse than please their guardian.
This has allowed me to stay open and flexible enough to follow the horses. I have realised however, that one of my greatest pleasures is to share this process with people. To see a horse and their human, and a human and their horse find each other is the most beautiful thing. I have been blessed to experience this in my life. Thank you to all of those wonderful people who made it possible.
“Camille is a beautiful soul who works so lovingly with the horses. I have never been in the presence of anyone before I met Camille who has such a connection with horses, a deep compassionate connection that is hard to put into words. She is an amazing teacher and healer who delivers with such grace and humility. She is such a gift who was born to heal horses and humans alike. Thank you for bringing horses into my life and for the joy you brought to beautiful Sue. Love and light xxx.”
~ Katie Ruddin, BA Hons in Critical Criminology and Applied Social Science

Camille has taught me how to relate naturally to a horse and to ride in a way that communicates more fully and instinctively with the horse. She has also taught me to understand the horse as a herd animal. As well as being a great teacher, Camille is very positive and encouraging and has an intuitive ability to bring the best out in riders..
~ David Findlay LLB, MSc, PhD
“OMG! I’m BLOWN AWAY by this text [How To Train A Horse Without Force Part 1] It’s one of the best horse training texts I’ve ever read. This book is utterly amazing. It reminds me of something Tom Dorrance once said when he was trying to explain how he worked with horses. He said he couldn’t really put it into words, but that there was a book called Kinship With All Life that got as close as anyone he’d ever come across. Your ‘How to train a horse without force’ puts THAT into a practical framework for relating to horses. It’s profound and yet relevant and applicable at the same time. Absolutely bravo, lady..”
~ Wendy Kendall BSc (Hons) Behavioural Sciences, MSc Applied Psychology, Associate Fellow British Psychological Society

It is the best I’ve read, and I’ve read a few….! It’s necessary reading for ANYONE who trains, rides, keeps horses whether they’re dressage, jumping, endurance riders or happy hackers. It’d save a lot of horses from a life of misery – their owners too. Thanks Cami for showing people that there’s an alternative way to get the best from our horses and ourselves. We have to do out utmost to get the books and website spread to the world..
~ Karen Gunn
I am deeply grateful that fate has led me to Camille Dareau. She opened my eyes to the concept of holistic horse keeping, and the possibility of bio-mechanically balanced and completely force free riding, where putting the horse on the bit is done with proper preparation on the ground, and then from the properly aligned seat. It was a paradigm shift for me, and, since then, most importantly, the horses I ride or train all benefit from Camille’s teaching from the moment I approach them. Camille has also treated my mare with CranioSacral Therapy. I worked with my mare for over a year, but was unable to address her lack of mental and physical balance. After a few sessions with Camille, my horse transformed: from reactive and flighty, she became grounded and trusting. This marked change was observed by others who knew my horse; some even told me that my mare became a different horse. What I love about Camille’s approach is that she developed it by listening to the horses, questioning tradition, and looking for entirely new horse-friendly ways of keeping, interacting, and working with them. This is in great contrast to many others, who pay lip service to “natural” or “classical,” but follow teachers or traditions blindly, and, when in doubt, or when no one is looking, resort to violence. Through Camille I saw that one cannot ethically talk of preparing a riding horse without looking at its basic needs, health, lifestyle, and the horse’s own preferences. Thank you, Camille..
~ Dorota Raciborska, PhD, MSc

I first connected with Camille and Happy Horse Happy Human through Camille’s writing. After working professionally with horses from a mainstream competitive dressage background, I was seeking support for a connection-based way of working with horses, and I found that support through Happy Horse Happy Human. Camille’s approach is truly a holistic one. In my experience, many “natural” methods of working with horses either have an underlying agenda of dominance and control, or they neglect to take into account the horse’s physical development and evolutionary needs. Camille’s work is different from any other approach I’ve experienced. Not only does her work acknowledge and deepen the profound emotional and energetic connection we have with horses, but it also incorporates the horse’s healthy physical development in a way that supports deep healing from past trauma. Working with Camille and her herd in person profoundly deepened the journey that I had started on my own, toward a more connection-based way of working with horses. During my time at her location in France, I was supported to connect with the herd and trust my own intuition. Through her coaching I came to understand the horse’s alignment from the ground and from the saddle in a way that I hadn’t previously understood, even after working with horses for over 20 years, and learning from top mainstream dressage trainers. I experienced moments of true connection during my time there that have stuck with me and continue to inspire and ground my work. Camille’s work continues to have a profound impact on me and my work with horses. She is a gifted teacher and healer and I am so grateful to have connected with her.
~ Gabrielle Knight
Eddie, a more balanced friendship I feel. I know there are still more layers to be released and you are continuing your remote healing with Eddie to work through them at Eddie’s pace. The journey is so exciting and has opened my eyes to so much more. With your help Camille, I feel like the world is mine and Eddie’s oyster. I cannot thank you enough for your energy work with Eddie, which has been magical. I wanted to tell you this and to let others know how powerful Remote Healing is and to say that I highly, highly recommend it to others. It has just been wonderful to see Eddie moving freer within his body and to watch him become more peaceful within himself. Thank you Camille, millions & trillions, your work is priceless and your horses are so lucky to be with you.
~ Briony Middleton, Equine Sports Massage Therapy (Equissage) certified

Dear, Dear Camille! What a gift this is to me and my healing, and what a clear and developed gift you (and the horses) have! I will fill you in on some specifics later as we have time to connect. For now, know that the locations and sensations and images were right on and such a helpful and holy manner of being held, with patience! As releases were unfolding, there was a moment where my breath caught in my rib cage and heart center and then I heard the horse coughing and I was able to feel the breath being more fully expelled from my lungs! So much love and appreciation to you!
Jenna Darko PhD, Mind-Body-Spirit-Specialist, Film Writer